Frequently asked questions regarding REION are gathered together. Please use them for reference as an introduction and for some tips when using the product.
Can it be used to cool or warm items other than wet towels or face towels?
The temperature of the wet towels feels like it varies from day to day. Why?
I want to switch between Warm and Cool in sync with the time of day. Is it possible?
Is it usable when the external temperature is rather high or rather low?
If the cabinet is cooled/warmed by air-conditioning, I am worried that the wet towels might be dried out more quickly.
Do you have any recommended method of use to save power?
Does the cooling and warming time change due to the position of storing the wet towels in the cabinet?
Is it possible to use COLD and WARM for the upper and lower step in the cabinet separately at the same time?
Why does the sound of the fan stop when opening the door?
I feel that the actual storage capacity is smaller than the specification.
Is it OK to leave the power on?
Is there any risk of a burn while in use?
I feel it now takes longer to cool than just after I purchased it.
Which is the recommended position to install it?
Is it possible to install the products one on top of the other?
What is the country of origin?
I used to use other wet towel cabinets which had many failures. Does REION have such problems?
What should I do in the event of a failure?
Do you sell accessories?